Al-Fusul - Chapters From The Life Of The Messenger

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Pages: 593

Cover Type: Hardback

Author: Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir Al-Qurashi

Publisher: Salafi Publications

Before you is the translation of the book Al-Fusul Fi Siratir-Rasul (Chapters from the Life of the Messenger) by the great Imaam, Al-Haafidh Ibn Kathir (may Allāh have mercy upon him). It was translated over a number of years by the erudite translator of English descent; the Shaikh, Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank, who passed away with his wife whilst performing Hajj with the brothers from Salafi Publications in 2011 CE — may Allah have mercy upon them both. The process of preparing this book for publication took a number of years, however we are honoured to finally be able to present this translation to the respected readers, and we hope that Allah causes it to be a means for good, and that He rewards both the original author and the translator for their enormous efforts.

The translator has added extensive notes where appropriate to clarify authenticity of narrations, provide useful definitions, or points of benefit derived from the Sunnah and the works of the scholars. These have been placed at the back of the book in a section entitled Endnotes and breadcrumbs have been placed in the pages of the main translation section, which point the reader to the corresponding endnote and its page number.

It is important to note that this book was translated many years ago, and the station of some of the people referenced in the footnotes and endnotes may have changed since that time. Certain individuals which the translator used as references were at the time deemed people who were strong in creed and upon the correct path, however they have since strayed from the correct path — may Allah guide us and guide them. In any case, it is advised that the Muslim maintain upmost vigilance as it relates to whom he or she takes their knowledge from. As is reported from the great Imaam, Muhammad Ibn Sireen (may Allāh have mercy upon him): “Indeed this knowledge is religion — so be aware of whom you take your religion from.” 

With that we leave the respected reader to embark upon the study and reflection over this tremendous work.