
An Abridgment Of The Rulings & Regulations Pertaining To The Funeral Rites

Pages: 216

Cover Type: Paperback

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani

Publisher: Hikmah Publications

In this book, Shaykh al-Albānī, the Muḥaddith of this era addresses the rulings and regulations for both the dying person and those responsible with carrying out the funeral rites, based solely on the Qur’ān and the authentic Sunnah.

It was necessary for the Shaykh to compile such a monumental work due to the un-Islamic practices that have crept upon the Muslims as it pertains to the funeral rites. Some of these practices are forbidden, such as wailing over the dead, some are innovations, such as women partaking in what is referred to as the year of mourning, and some even reach the level of Shirk [associating partners with Allāh], such as calling upon the dead and making Ṭawāf around the graves.

This book serves as a reference point for the English-speaking Muslim to allow them to differentiate between what is legislated based on the Qur’ān and the authentic Sunnah, with the understanding of the Companions, and what has no basis in the religion of Islam whatsoever.

Shaykh al-Albānī said, describing his work: “I made it a stipulation to only include in it authentic narrations, as is our normal practice in all our works—and all praise is for Allāh, always and forever. I also omitted some things from the text and much of the commentary that does not have a strong and direct connection to the subject matter of the book. Similarly, I added a few benefits, which cannot be found in the original version. I ask Allāh, the Most High, to benefit the Muslims through this and to make it just like the original version, and all my other books, aiding them to follow the Book and the Sunnah, and to live a life upon Islām; and there is no true way to do this except through beneficial knowledge and righteous actions.”