Beneficial Speech In Establishing The Evidences Of At-Tawhid

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Pages: 144

Cover Type: Paperback

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil-Wahhaab Al-Wasaabee

Publisher: Salafi Publications

The book before you is an excellent work explaining that which Allaah has sent down to the Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him), and indeed to all the Messengers before him, from Nooh (Noah) to Eesaa (Jesus) — may Allaah’s peace be upon all of them. The message they came with was to establish Tawhīd, the command to single out Allaah — the sole Creator, Provider for, and Sustainer of all that exists — with worship. Likewise, the Messengers clarified and warned from all those matters which oppose Tawheed. To associate partners with Allaah in His worship violates His Tawhīd, and constitutes polytheism (Shirk). The author (May Allaah have mercy upon him) brings the definitions, evidences, and categories of Tawheed, and likewise for Shirk, in a very clear and concise manner.

The work also highlights the obligation upon each and every Muslim to have knowledge of Tawheed and knowledge of the rights of Tawheed. Further, a Muslim is commanded to adhere to the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger (Peace and Blessings be upon him), and to avoid innovations and religious practices that are not legislated in the Qur’ān and Sunnah. Also discussed are issues of faith (Eemaan) and unbelief (Kufr): the definition of Īmān; the affairs of Kufr which violate Eemaan; the definition of Kufr; etc. Many other topics related to the Creed (ʿAqīdah) are also discussed and explained in this valuable work.

The great scholar of Yemen, Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi Al-Waadi’ee (May Allaah have mercy upon him), said regarding this book, “This treatise deserves to be instilled in the students of the learning centres, due to the abundant good therein, since it is small in size but large in benefit. So may Allāh bless the efforts of the brother; Muhammad Ibn ʿAbdil-Wahhāb Al-Wasābī, who accomplished this noble deed.”