
Explanation Of The Creed Of Ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawani

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Pages: 298

Cover Type: Paperback

Author: Shaykh Salih bin Fawzan al-Fawzan

Publisher: Sunni Bookshop

This is the introduction to a short essay in jurisprudence (fiqh) by the Imam and Hafiz ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdur-Rahman ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani upon the treatise of which he authored concerning the jurisprudence of Imam Malik.

It has always been from the norm of the Salaf that whenever they would author books in jurisprudence (fiqh) they would begin by clarifying the creed (aqidah).  Thus they would divide it into [two parts]

  • The greater affairs of jurisprudence (fiqh al-akbar) which is understanding the correct creed (aqidah)
  • The branches of jurisprudence (fiqh al-furu) which is the understanding of how to worship Allah and how to deal with people.

He is the Imam the knowledgeable and eminent scholar of North Africa, Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abu Zayd al-Qayrawani al-Maliki who was given the nick name ‘the smaller Malik’.  He was upon the methodology of the Salaf as it relates to the fundamental principles of the religion and did not study anything from philosophical speech, nor did he fall into negating any of Allah’s attributes.