The Illustrious Life Of Muhammad
Pages: 144
Cover Type: Paperback
Author: Imam Ibn al-Jawzi
Publisher: Dar as-Sunnah Publishers
It is an undeniable fact that no individual has left a deeper impression and significance on human history than Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). The esteem and respect due to him by society are made clear when reflecting on his noble life. It brings the realization of what his lofty stature and rights necessitate from us. It is essential for every person, Muslim and non-Muslim to take a tour through his (peace and blessings be upon him) life and times and recognise those standards and virtues that set him apart from any other figures of history.
The author, may Allah have mercy on him, illustrates the life of the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him] in his unique way, intending to be concise yet readily inspiring. It captures the important stages of his [peace and blessings be upon him] life, making it easy to emulate for those who desire to pattern their own life upon his.
Forming a chapter taken from ‘Sifat al-Safwah’ of Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, this book is an excellent resource for studying the character and sublime nature the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was endowed with. It will leave an impression of awe and deep love for all those who have not been negatively influenced by aspects of bias of mass media.