Rewards For Dhikr - Remembering Allaah

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Pages: 89

Cover Type: Paperback

Author: Compiled by Umm ‘Abdur Rahman Tara Hashim

Publisher: Utrujjah Press

Dhikr is the remembrance of Allaah. There are many aayaat and ahaadeeth stressing its importance and benefits for the Muslim. This book is the result of a project I started over 10 years ago. I recorded my notes in a blog, then taught what I knew as a course with audios, PowerPoints and a Quiz which has now developed into a book form to benefit whoever wishes to take from it.

All supporting materials can be found on the blog where it can be downloaded and used:

I used many authentic sources such as:

  • Fiqh al Ad’iyah wal Adhkaar by Shaykh ‘AbdurRazzaaq ‘Abdul Muhsin al Badr
  • Al Waabil as Sayyib by Ibnul Qayyim
  • Various quotes from Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh Fawzaan


  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of Dhikr
  3. Dhikr mentioned in the Qur’an
  4. Dhikr mentioned in the Sunnah
  5. Ibnul Qayyim’s 73 Benefits of Dhikr
  6. Rewards for Dhikr Chart
  7. Meanings of particular adhkaarupon
  8. Du’aa for istighfaar seeking forgiveness
  9. Ahaadeeth in full according to the chart
  10. The meaning of sending salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ
  11. Quiz
  12. How to count dhikr
  13. Understanding Sunnah and Bid’ah Innovation
  14. Ruling on saying dhikr whilst menstruating
  15. Quiz answers